The new 2013 study from MIT Sloan management review about digitalization is online. 78% of the respondants (1559 persons in 106 countries) think that achieving a digital transformation is critical. Digital means as well management, business model, not just conversation on plateform, internal or external. There is still a long road.
This study highlights again that without a strong sponsorship from the top management, the risks to fail is high : which seems obvious if we are talking about organization transformation. 81% consider that their company has begun its evolution, but 65% think that it needed to be more supported than it currently is. The improvement for enterprises which go digital is focus on three main points :
- Customer experience
- Ensure cross-channel consistency
- Enhance our existing products and services
- Launch new products and services
- Operational improvements
- Improve internal communication
- Enhance the producitvity of workers
- Automate operational process
- Business model change
- TRansition physical products/ services to digital products / services
- Develop new business models
- Expand our reach to new customers and markets
Of course, if it seems going in the right way, many companies have a lack in know how and evolution of the management to be more collaborative. Furthermore, talents and skills are now different in a digital world, as cultural issues. The study come back on 9 main traps :
- No sens of urgency
- Not enough funding
- Liitation of IT systems
- Roles and responsabilities are not clear
- Lack of vision
- Unclear business case
- Business units implementating in silos
- Culture not amenable to change
- Lack of leadership skills
- Regulatory concerns
This lead to hear always the same quote
We don’t have time for tis right now
We don’t know how to do that
This is the way we’ve always done it
I will lose influence in my organization
It doesn’t have the right political support
it’s not worth the risk
In the end, only 26% of the companies set up KPIs. Like wise, those which get the best success are those which give incentive to their employees related to digitalization, even if the best one not being anymore a Victorian macine minder. In conclusion, many companies are aware of the necessity to go on that way, but many don’t know how to make it, or make it wrong.