Social business top post 2013

53335943Here is ma choice of my best posts in 2013 (best not mean most read, but the most interesting for me and still relevant). This list is different of the french version here.

Which managers 2.0 for the enterprise ?

When we talk about collaboration in enterprise and management, immediately the word community manager comes up. If the creation of communities is important and one of the main incarnations of collaboration inside the enterprises, it remains that the « traditional » management continues to exist. I already touched on in my post about leadership and collaboration

Management 2.0 = self management ?


When you meet top managers for a collaborative project, the two fears that come up most often on the table is the loss of control and the idea that « collaboration = anarchy or self management. » I’ll gloss over the loss of control (if there is no trust in its employees it can’t work and managers have to understand that employees have other means to put you in the mess if they wish).

Social business : your worst nightmare ?

Most of the time, though leaders or consultants  show social business/ enterprise 2.0 as the model of the next enterprise, the one which make match successful business and well being for the employees in a win-win mode. Are you sure ? Usually this issue of social business is focus on the enterprise social network, and that’s just a tool. So the result is related to what you do with this tool. When you see how ours organizations currently run, are you undoubted that we go in the right way for a better world, or a worse one ?

Social business : fire the managers won’t change the system

I am not use to do that, but this post is a kind of answer to Cecil blogpost Social Business Vs Social Status. In fact in his post, Cecil explains that it is very hard to embed middle managers in a social business project, even if as anyone knows, they are key players for a real enterprise transformation. Because it is what is it about, not just emplement an enterprise social network, but really transform the organization with its business process and management way. I’ve already written things about this issue fews years ago and more recently.

Toward social business : more a garden than a highway

Last week I’ve make a blog post about social business nightmare. One way to avoid it is related to change management (THE WORD, even if now it is not the same concept than during the 90′s), to support your organization transformation, so a a change of mindset and a cultural evolution toward social business.

Gamification, social business and possible drifts

Gamification is a buzz word, and can be use for many thing with some misuses. But in this post, it is more about the possible drifts related to this process which should lead the employees to be more engaged. Between a volontary engagement and one obtain in a more sneaky way, the spirit is not really the same. Behind some processes which should be funny, you can see a mean to put people under pressure.

Social business : align conversations on business objectives

This article is atranslation of a conference I’ve made last year. In fact there is a lot of slides decks on my slideshare account which are still relevant, so why not translate them for my english spoken audience.

Management 2.0 : HR processes and social business

This article is coming from a white paper in french about HR 2.0, sponsored by Linkedin, where 10 experts including me, shared their vision. Here is the translation of my article about HR process and social business.

Reinventing the company in a social world

The new MSLGROUP’sQuarterly is dedicated  to employee engagement. They’ve asked me to write an article about this topic and the shift related to the socialization of the uses in companies. Here is my article, you’ll find the quarterly at the end of this post.

Social business : double trigger maturity

The maturity issue related to social business is important for companies. Really understand that there is different levels of development on the social business is not always easy. Especially to understand that climbing a maturity curve may take time by doing it step by step. But there is also a way of understanding the social business that is important in this process, based on the sharing of your vision. This second approach largely determines the first. In fact to summarize, there is a double maturity analysis. The first is more descriptive, how mature is the company and a second covering the way to deploy it and its impact on the transformation of the organization.