Social business top post 2013

53335943Here is ma choice of my best posts in 2013 (best not mean most read, but the most interesting for me and still relevant). This list is different of the french version here.

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Social business : between barriers and brakes


When you start a social business project , you do not realize all the barriers you will have to face . Otherwise there are chances that you would give up before you start, as the mountain may seem huge to climb (which is true and false ). Moreover, companies often do not realize that if they really implement a social business project, this does not mean installing a tool to streamline the flow of information and allow a kind of freespeech, but transform its organization and its business process.

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Social business : double trigger maturity

maturite-apprentissageThe maturity issue related to social business is important for companies. Really understand that there is different levels of development on the social business is not always easy. Especially to understand that climbing a maturity curve may take time by doing it step by step. But there is also a way of understanding the social business that is important in this process, based on the sharing of your vision. This second approach largely determines the first. In fact to summarize, there is a double maturity analysis. The first is more descriptive, how mature is the company and a second covering the way to deploy it and its impact on the transformation of the organization.

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The stages of development of a community in a team

communauteI often speak about collaboration or community management, but finally I realize that I have never discussed the various stages of development of a team working in a collaborative way. Maybe your teams are already working this way, but generally they have to cross various stages of maturity before succed to be a real community. Everything is a cycle, a process, which often begins again with the end of a project or changes within the team (hopefully you do not start all over again). If you are interested by that topic, just go and check the community maturity model of the community roundtable, a real work of art, more focus about community maturity inside the all organization.

It goes generally through 4 stages: they can be more or less long, you can spare one of course, it remains a model with all that a model has of restrictive.

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