This article is a translation of a conference I’ve made last year. In fact there is a lot of slides decks on my slideshare account which are still relevant, so why not translate them for my english spoken audience.
Archives par mot-clé : community
Social business : internal communities, asking the right question to begin
Often inside enterprise, collaboration existing through communities inside an enterprise social network. Quickly, one of the main governance issue is about the opening communities process. The two main models are top-down approach (the decision is at a steering committee level) or a bottom-up approach (anyone can open a community without asking to anyone). Whatever the process, related to the company culture, here is a list of question to ask yourself before opening communities.
Management 2.0 : storytelling and community
Last week my blog post was already about storytelling, but more about the vision. Today it’s more about the benefits of this « technique/skill » in the context of a community. In fact, words are the link and the sociable binder of these communities, even more when they are virtual, the distance distending the physical link.
Even in its future, the community will continue through its history/story. « Champions » of your communities will share their experiences around them to their colleagues, the director of communities or community strategist will promote the community to his sponsors …Â Communities and often arise through a story where the founding leader outlined his vision of the community, its values, goals …
In this post I will focus on sharing experience in community thanks to the storytelling.
The stages of development of a community in a team
I often speak about collaboration or community management, but finally I realize that I have never discussed the various stages of development of a team working in a collaborative way. Maybe your teams are already working this way, but generally they have to cross various stages of maturity before succed to be a real community. Everything is a cycle, a process, which often begins again with the end of a project or changes within the team (hopefully you do not start all over again). If you are interested by that topic, just go and check the community maturity model of the community roundtable, a real work of art, more focus about community maturity inside the all organization.
It goes generally through 4 stages: they can be more or less long, you can spare one of course, it remains a model with all that a model has of restrictive.
Management 2.0 and worker engagement
Engagement is fashionable concept, but most of al it’s a business management concept.
Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee’s positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work
So behind this concept, what about social business ?