Quand la distanciation devient la norme, l’entreprise doit resserrer les liens

Depuis quelques années, la distanciation, ou solitude, est devenue la norme dans l’entreprise et plus largement dans les sociétés occidentales. Combien de salariés isolés font face à leurs angoisses ou la solitude du manager qui est un couplet bien intégré dans toutes les organisations ? Aujourd’hui, si cette distanciation devient vitale, elle permet aussi de se poser et s’interroger sur cette norme comme mode de vie. Et donc au contraire, amener l’entreprise à resserrer des liens qui se distendent de plus en plus.

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Do companies kill digital mindset?

dig_mindsetAs we already discussed on this blog, digital transformation is the new Holy Grail for companies. 88% of them have set up a digital project according last Altimeter Group’s research, however, let’s be frank, we are far from a real digital transformation. Things are moving, but the realization is just a first stage. Only if we agree of what is a digital project.

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Social business is dead, really ?

m.3640_powazki-cemeteryThis post has been publish in french originally for 01Business.

At the end of last year many blog post was about the end of social business like this one on Brian Solis’blog titled social business is dead which suggests that  collaboration, social, whatever word is already outdated for business. It should therefore provide a new buzzword. No offense to my colleagues  from agencies, the real need is still present even if the concept is not as marketing they would like.

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Social business : between barriers and brakes


When you start a social business project , you do not realize all the barriers you will have to face . Otherwise there are chances that you would give up before you start, as the mountain may seem huge to climb (which is true and false ). Moreover, companies often do not realize that if they really implement a social business project, this does not mean installing a tool to streamline the flow of information and allow a kind of freespeech, but transform its organization and its business process.

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