When you talk about social business, social collaboration, social learning, rapidly the question of informal learning come up. Informal learning is difficult to avoid, since 80% of learning in the company is informal in nature, as stated Jay Cross, author of Informal Learning. So does it mean, that we have nothing to do to try to improve it ? Here is my take through a quick bend by the famous Franck Herbert’s novel, Dune and his famous Bene Gesserit.
Archives par mot-clé : knowledge management
Management 2.0 : storytelling and community
Last week my blog post was already about storytelling, but more about the vision. Today it’s more about the benefits of this « technique/skill » in the context of a community. In fact, words are the link and the sociable binder of these communities, even more when they are virtual, the distance distending the physical link.
Even in its future, the community will continue through its history/story. « Champions » of your communities will share their experiences around them to their colleagues, the director of communities or community strategist will promote the community to his sponsors …Â Communities and often arise through a story where the founding leader outlined his vision of the community, its values, goals …
In this post I will focus on sharing experience in community thanks to the storytelling.
From the e-learning to the social learning
The EU definition of e-learning integrates social learning: « E-learning is the use of emerging Internet technologies, in order to improve learning quality, on one hand by enabling access to resources and services, and on the other hand by distance communication and collaboration »
In reality, e-learning has evolved to asynchronous distance learning (often in instructor-led teaching), with some practical exercises. Given the original definition, if access to resources and services became a reality, sharing is often unilateral and collaboration non-existent.
Du collaborateur 2.0 Ã l’entreprise 2.0
Lors de ma critique du précédent livre de Christophe Deschamps, le concept de TIICC (temps, identité numérique, information, capital social, compétences personnelles) et de Personnal Knowledge Management avait retenu mon attention. Pour développer ces points Christophe c’est entouré de deux autres auteurs : Xavier Delengaigne et Pierre Mongin pour rédiger à 6 mains Organisez vos données personnelles.
Cet ouvrage va vous permettre de répondre aux questions qui se posent à tous les travailleurs de l’information :
- surinformation
- fragmentation du savoir
- incertitude
- changement rapide
- dilemmes complexes
- compétitivité
Véritable boîte à outils, ce livre répond à ces différents défis, car une entreprise 2.0, c’est avant tout un changement culturel et pas d’entreprise 2.0 sans collaborateur 2.0
Curation : organisation et mise à disposition de l’information
Vendredi dernier, je suis intervenu au salon Search 2011 sur la curation  à la demande d’Antoine le patron de Knowledge Plaza
Voici donc les slides de ma présentation, celles d’Antoine, malheureusement vous ne pourrez avoir la participation de Bertrand qui est toujours aussi pertinent, même malade (d’où l’absence de slides).