Social business is dead, really ?

m.3640_powazki-cemeteryThis post has been publish in french originally for 01Business.

At the end of last year many blog post was about the end of social business like this one on Brian Solis’blog titled social business is dead which suggests that  collaboration, social, whatever word is already outdated for business. It should therefore provide a new buzzword. No offense to my colleagues  from agencies, the real need is still present even if the concept is not as marketing they would like.

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Social business : between barriers and brakes


When you start a social business project , you do not realize all the barriers you will have to face . Otherwise there are chances that you would give up before you start, as the mountain may seem huge to climb (which is true and false ). Moreover, companies often do not realize that if they really implement a social business project, this does not mean installing a tool to streamline the flow of information and allow a kind of freespeech, but transform its organization and its business process.

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Reinventing the company in a social world

mslThe new MSLGROUP’s Quarterly is dedicated  to employee engagement. They’ve asked me to write an article about this topic and the shift related to the socialization of the uses in companies. Here is my article, you’ll find the quarterly at the end of this post.

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Social business : double trigger maturity

maturite-apprentissageThe maturity issue related to social business is important for companies. Really understand that there is different levels of development on the social business is not always easy. Especially to understand that climbing a maturity curve may take time by doing it step by step. But there is also a way of understanding the social business that is important in this process, based on the sharing of your vision. This second approach largely determines the first. In fact to summarize, there is a double maturity analysis. The first is more descriptive, how mature is the company and a second covering the way to deploy it and its impact on the transformation of the organization.

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Social business and buddhism

974787With the financial crisis, many companies have requested philosophers and religious thinkers to consider how to manage their business differently. Many « wise » Buddhists, beyond the Dalai Lama, gave a number of speechs in the world, like Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, who had been proposed for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King. By reading his book, The Art of Power, strongly oriented on the teachings of Buddha Sakyamuni suited to management, I told to myself that these teachings perfectly meet the challenges of a  social business project. In addition, sometime ago, I discuss with Susan Scrupski about Buddhism and enterprise 2.0. Last but not least, I’ve read an article calling themselves social business and enlightenment. So it seems it makes sens. This is the main points of this teaching related with our collaboration.

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