When we talk about collaboration in enterprise and management, immediately the word community manager comes up. If the creation of communities is important and one of the main incarnations of collaboration inside the enterprises, it remains that the « traditional » management continues to exist. I already touched on in my post about leadership and collaboration
Archives par mot-clé : middle management
Management 2.0 : Which Role for the Middle Management ?
I’ve been interviewed by L’Atelier (the original french one)Â last week on what middle management and collaborative organizations are. As frequently written before, I believe that communities inside enterprise are born from the top and live at the bottom. So, what about the middle management(french version here) ?
Once during a conference, I’ve asked this question to a speaker who was managing communities in its company. The answer was clear: « The middle management is between two slices of bread, or ham suits or it is crushed ». It reminds me of an article entitled « Death of the middle managers: thinking of Enterprise 2.0 and Corporate Culture Change« . Needless to say that this subject is somehow taboo…
Management 2.0 : quel rôle pour le management de proximité dans les organisations collaboratives
Comme je l’ai déjà de nombreuses fois écrit sur ce blog, les communautés naissent par le haut et vivent par le bas. Et le milieu alors ? J’ai posé la question du middle management à i-expo, à un intervenant sur l’entreprise 2.0, qui gère des communautés pour son groupe. La réponse a été limpide, entre les deux tranches de pain, le jambon s’adapte où est écrasé. Cela renvoi un peu à un article publié mi juin qui s’intitulait : « Death of the middle managers: thinking of Enterprise 2.0 and Corporate Culture Change« . Inutile de vous dire que ce sujet est un peu tabou…