Digital transformation : discussion with L’Oreal CDO


Last week L’Oreal organized an informal chat with their Chief Digital Officer, Lubomira Rochet, who introduced her vision of the job and the state of the digital transformation in L’Oreal. The chat was simple, without showing off, without stonewalling. Thanks Lubomira for this opportunity and for your openmindness.

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Social business : be inspired by startups, really ?

start-upCécile Demailly has written an article on her blog in june, What corporations could learn from startups. There is a long time that I want to write an article about this issue, her article is a good excuse to make it. Even if I share some points with my friend Cécile, I think some points needs to be highlight. I know Cécile Demailly and I had some esteem for her professional abilities and she knows what is involved in organization transformation and the change management required. It’s just to easy to say let’s do it like startups

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Entreprise 2.0 : s’inspirer des start up, vraiment ?

Ca fait un bout de temps que je voulais écrire cette article, en fait depuis avant les vacances d’été quand j’étais intervenu chez Dassault Systemes autour de la transformation des organisations (Dassault Systèmes mène une vraie réflexion autour de cette question en lien avec 3DSwym). Puis en lisant le titre de l’article de Cécile Demailly, les grandes entreprises devraient s’inspirer des start up, ça m’a convaincu de le faire, juste pour recadrer deux ou trois trucs.

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