Enterprise 2.0, a new cycle ?

PDCA-CycleThis post has been originaly published in french on 01 Business. During the last enterprise 2.0 summit, there was a weird felling of where are we going or not going. A kind of downturn of the concept. If there is not really a downturn that’s true that we are at a turning point.

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Wirearchy et engagement salarié

cropped-wirearchy-600x2001 Comme chaque année, la semaine dernière c’était l’entreprise 2.0 summit à Paris. Nous avons discuté de beaucoup de chose, comme les nouvelles formes d’organisation et l’engagement des salariés. J’ai donc interviewé Jon Husband, consultant en management sur ce sujet, qui a inventé le concept de wirearchy qui est toujours d’actualité.

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From wirearchy to social employees engagement

cropped-wirearchy-600x2001 Like each year, the Enterprise 2.0 summit took place in Paris, this year from Monday to yesterday this week. If many topics has been discussed, the new form of organization and employees engagement have been central. So I’ve decided to interview Jon Husband a consultant in management who has invented 15 years ago the concept of wirearchy and which is more than ever relevant.

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Entreprise 2.0 : un besoin de conduite du changement

e20s_batchComme vous le savez peut-être, comme chaque année l’Enterprise 2.0 summit, la principale manifestion sur l’entreprise 2.0 se tient à Paris du 10 au 12 février (venez nous rencontrer et échanger). Cette année j’animerai une table ronde autour de la communication de changement. Dans ce cadre, les organisateurs du summit m’ont interviewé comme d’autres speakers. Voici la version française de l’interview.

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Social business top post 2013

53335943Here is ma choice of my best posts in 2013 (best not mean most read, but the most interesting for me and still relevant). This list is different of the french version here.

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